Every time it went to commercial I'd take to ravishing her, increasing the intensity with each commercial break, moving from groping, to necking, to ripping clothes off, to manual, then oral and I'd abruptly stop when the movie came back on and completely ignore her until the next break.” - M1s4n7hr0p3 “Me and my girl were watching a movie on her couch. “I happen to love Kinky Jenga.” - Poly-Pocket Then after the clothes, sexual acts are included for losses.” - Cambriheed Whoever loses a round has to remove an article of clothing. “My SO and I will occasionally play strip-videogames. The main takeaway: Pretty much anything can be made into a sex game, so be creative, and take a few tips from these folks on Reddit for new ways to compete for your pleasure: Related: Prolong the Pre-Game In fact, the author even compiled them into one handy list of apps and games to download, buy, or make. So what should you play? A recent Reddit thread started by Girlwithagoldengun asked for the best couples sex games and got an overwhelming response. Plus, there are really no losers in these scenarios. Know what's even better than couples game night? Naked couples game night! Seriously, if you and your partner enjoy a little friendly competition, sexy games are a great way to inject some excitement and novelty into your bedroom.